Education and training is yet another integral component of Rashtriya Ashok Manch. Through different approaches, which include inter-personal communication (IPC), outdoor promotion and mass media, awareness is created amongst different target groups about different aspects of reproductive health and availability of quality and affordable reproductive health services. Generic messages on issues such as safe motherhood, child care, family planning (both reversible and irreversible methods), male responsibility, safety and legality of abortions, gynaecological problems and their solution, prevention of HIV/AIDS, family life education (including sex education), nutrition, hygiene, sanitation are being promoted. This intervention primarily includes activities in the field amongst the community as well as health camps organised at the community level. Clinical services are provided through referrals to the nearest Rashtriya Ashok Manch clinics or the government health facility
The educational programme aims at imparting reproductive and sexual health education to different target audiences such as school/college going adolescents, out-of-school/youth, community men and women as well as industrial workers. Intensive training of service providers such as Anganwadi workers/ supervisors, ASHAs, ANMs, NGO workers and doctors in the private sector is done, so as to equip them with correct knowledge on various reproductive health issues, so that they in turn can offer better guidance and services to their clients. Training of Trainers has been a prime focus of the E & T units so that awareness and education is transferred to a large number of health personnel.
Education and Training (E&T) Unit came into existence with the goal of awareness generation, building capacities and providing education and training to beneficiaries on the necessary skills of living a happy, comfortable and healthy life. The objective is to help people to educate and enable them to maintain their reproductive and sexual health and take informed choices to plan their family to lead a healthy productive life.