free hospitalization

Healthcare is the right of every individual but lack of quality infrastructure, dearth of qualified medical functionaries, and non- access to basic medicines and medical facilities thwarts its reach to 60% of population in India. A majority of 700 million people lives in rural areas where the condition of medical facilities is deplorable. Considering the picture of grim facts there is a dire need of new practices and procedures to ensure that quality and timely healthcare reaches the deprived corners of the Indian villages. Though a lot of policies and programs are being run by the Government but the success and effectiveness of these programs is questionable due to gaps in the implementation. In rural India, where the number of Primary health care centers (PHCs) is limited, 8% of the centers do not have doctors or medical staff, 39% do not have lab technicians and 18% PHCs do not even have a pharmacist.

India also accounts for the largest number of maternity deaths. A majority of these are in rural areas where maternal health care is poor. Even in private sector, health care is often confined to family planning and antenatal care and do not extend to more critical services like labor and  delivery, where proper medical care can save life in the case of complications.

Several organizations are working alongside the government and NGOs to help relieve the burden on the public health system using mobile technology. India has over 900 million mobile phone users and this fact can be leveraged to employ better practices in even the remote areas. Leading global organizations of healthcare industry are using our mobile technology to enhance the quality of care and bridge the gaps in healthcare services.

Gram Vaani provides cutting- edge mobile and IVR solutions to automate processes and applies best practices in the field. Our services cater to health care sector, social sector, and corporate organizations for connecting with the difficult to reach markets at bottom of the pyramid.

We have built simple technologies on mobile to suit the needs of different sectors and verticals. By improving the systems and functions of our clients we have impacted thousands of lives in rural India. Through mobile and IVR services we have an extensive reach across the demography. Our initiative is focused on delivering best tools and solutions to our partners for reaching out to the rural markets and gives a platform to be directly connected to them. Leading global organizations of healthcare industry are using our technology to enhance the quality of care and bridge the gaps in healthcare services in rural India.